Navjit Buttar, an ace Indian Music Video Director, who’s known for his quality work in the Entertainment Industry. From working with top notch singers like Jubin Nautiyal, Vishal Mishra, Jassie Gill, Diljit Dosanjh to giving some video of everlasting chartbusters, Navjit Buttar is leaving no stone unturned to touch the right chord of audience’ heart with his superb work. His recent work alongside Vishal Mishra "Tu Bhi Sataya Jayga" staring Aly Goni and Jasmin Bhasin has received immense praises and applauds by the audience. Now he has directed a new song "Tum Bewafa Ho" staring Arjun Bijlani and Nia Sharma sung by Payal Dev. It will be releasing on 20th May under the label of DRJ records.
On spilling beans about the new song Navjit shares, "The song is about Arjun getting married second time since his first wife personated by Nia is infertile, so his parents pressurize him to marry someone else again for baby. So it revolves around how he loves his first wife but due to family pressure he marries another girl and has to stay with two wives. It's an all out emotional romantic song." On talking about his working experience with Arjun and Nia he adds,"For the first time Arjun and Nia are coming together. It was amazing shooting with Arjun and Nia as they both are remarkable performers.
The vibe of the song is melodious - romantic yet sad. Since the song is shot in Himachal Pradesh so the locations in the song are mesmerizing." He feels grateful for his last song with Aly Goni and Jasmin Bhasin getting overwhelming response from audiences on which he states,"I'm really grateful to the audiences for receiving soo much love and showering praises. It was indeed lovely working with both of them. I promise to come up with more such great work. I'm very thankful to each and everyone."